Monday, March 19, 2012

Tilt Table Tests and Other Crap: Part One (Tests and Doctor Hopping)

Sometimes I feel like God wants me in the medical field soo bad, that he's gonna make me have to go back over and over until I learn the art from simple osmosis. I can't seem to get away from it ( no matter how hard I try) and I find it frustrating that most of the people who work in these institutions seem clueless to things I see as common sense!
I mean WTF!
You may be able to get through medical school but what part of the educational process teaches you to stop listening and seeing the obvious.

As far as this table test I was supposed to have done, well it turned out that the goal of the test was to make me pass out so they can see what happens to my heart when I do...
But guess what... I didn't fucking pass out.
By the time the tilt table test appointment arrived, my dizzy spells were hardly happening, so I knew this was gonna be a pointless test.
Funny part is, though the test was obviously negative they said I could still have this issue where the blood from my legs rushes to fast back to my heart causing the dizzy spells.
So then what was the point of the who point of me having this test??

After my doctor got the results, I made a followup appointment to see her and once again when I went in for my pre-appointments vitals, the nurse asked me why my heart was beating so fast. As if I were living in the movie Groundhog Day, I had but one answer...the same answer I've said doesns of times..."I have no idea"...
When I brought that up to the doctor, she looked at my chart and noticed I was right. So she told me she wanted me to see a cardiologist to see if he can figure out whats going on with my heart. It was then that something occurred to me. I asked her if my high heart rate and the increase in sweating could be related? After a long pause she said it was possible but couldn't give me an answer..."When you see the cardiologist , ask him" was all she could say.

A few days later saw my rheumatologist for my regular check-up and again my heart rate was high, but otherwise all seemed fine. I told her about the dizzy spells and the scary moment of almost passing out. She was concerned and agreed that I should see a cardiologist just to make absolutely sure my heart was fine.
Seeing her reminded me to ask another question that I had been wondering about. I asked if all of this could be a result of the recent increase in my Savella medication. She told me it was possible, but to let the cardiologist determine that and to make sure I let her know right away.

So now after all was time to make this important appointment to see the cardiologist.
I wont lie...thinking that something could be going sideways with my heart scares me, especially now that I'm so much more active and truly living my life again. I have a family history on both sides involving heart issues, so this is a legitimate scare for me even though I am so young. But I rather know then not know and I rather not risk something worse happening.
So I will bite that bullet and see the cardiologist....

(Coming up "Tilt Table Tests and Other Crap: Part Two (Cool Heart Dr. and Again Stuff I Already Knew")
(Photo above is of the masks that doctors used to wear to protect them from airborne diseases, namely and most famously "The Plague". By IceDrake79 , Photobucket, and is directly linked)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

MRI Results Lead To More Testing...

So had my MRI with and without contrast and I seem to be a ok.

No one mentioned any abnormalities like a hidden eyeball or limb from my ill fated twin, nor did anyone find any damage from how many times I had hit my head growing up (very surprising)...but I wonder why they didn't find the chip aliens implanted when I was a child?....oh well if it were easy to spot then that defeats the point of secrecy...;-)

Anyhoo... went a bit off course
But back to topic, since my results were clean my doctor has to look elsewhere for why I'm having these severe dizzy spells and the next place to check is the heart. Now she hasn't ruled out seizures completely but considering I seem to have a borderline abnormal resting heart rate and it can jump pretty high very fast when I go from inactive to active or from lying to sitting and standing she scheduled me to have a whats called a Tilt Table Test.
Basically a cardiologist does this test to try to find the cause of unexplained fainting. The Tilt Table Test is what it's name implies. The patient lies on a table and there heart rate and blood pressure are monitored as the table is tilted from a lying to standing position. It allows doctors to monitor your cardiovascular response to a change in position.

Out of all the things I've gone through this passing out thing is the scariest. Not knowing when it will happen or why. I try not to think about it but I can't help being afraid whenever I leave the house on my own. But I'm determined not to let this control me or change my life.
If it happens... it happens...these retarded physicians will figure it out eventually...

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Flashing Lights, Sleeplessness, Headaches, and More...WTF!!! Now What!!!!!.......

I've been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia for almost 4 years now...
All this time not much has changed except some tweaking of my medication which is why I haven't blogged in awhile. But now I've started experiencing some new symptoms I frankly don't know what to do with.

First it started off with flashes of light. Best way I can describe it is like in a cartoon when someone gets hit in the head and they see stars, except it happens sometimes when I stand up or bend over and is accompanied by dizziness.
Then there was the trouble sleeping. For nights I hadn't been able to sleep. I just thought I needed to take my evening meds eariler but even after changing the time\I still am having trouble sleeping.
Later and more subtle was the fatigue. I would do something simple like go up steps or a hill and it would be an effort. Unlike the fatigue before this isn't constant. Sometimes it happens and other times I'm fine. I can go up the same hill two days in a row and one day it's easy while the next I'm weak and breathing heavy. But that took me awhile to notice cause again it isn't consistent and I'd chuck it up to not sleeping well the night before or possibly coming down with a cold.
Then for the last two and a half weeks I've had a constant headache. I mean non-stop always there headache ranging from a 2 (mild background annoyance) to an 8 (borderline migraine). The pain seems to always be centered around my temples and the back of my neck. When the pains bad so is the pain in my neck.

But the most scary symptom happened two weekends ago....
I had woken up at 3am to use the bathroom when I felt my headache flare. As I was sitting on the toilet I suddenly felt dizzy and nauseous that quickly grew worse at an alarming rate. Luckily my mother was there so I was able to call to her when I felt like I was about pass out. I don't remember much after that except suddenly feeling my strength leave me as my body went limp, my mother being the only thing holding me up. I remember sweating a lot and my mother was yelling at me to open my eyes but all I could do was moan, I couldn't form words. I knew I was coming out of it when I was able to talk again. Once I got a bit of my strength back she was then able to change my shirt which I had completely sweated through and helped me walk to the living room where she sat me next to an open window. It didn't pass quickly and as I was gaining back control of my limbs the weakness I felt was replaced by severe body pain. As if my headache had spread throughout my body. I kept feeling like it was gonna happen again, like I a strong current were trying to pull me under, but I fought it and finally I was myself enough to get me back into my bed.

It wasn't till the next day I found out how close I'd come to going to the hospital.
Turns out when she found me I was white as a sheet, my lips pale, and when she tried to take my pulse she had a hard time finding it. This is a woman who has worked in the hospital for over 40 years, if she can't get a pulse then u know it's bad. When I started to come out of it she was finally able to get a pulse and it was 75bpm.

Since that day I've had moments of feeling like it's gonna happen again and I'm scared. I'll be fine and all of a sudden my headache will flare and I'll get nauseous and dizzy, but it only lasts a moment then passes. I afraid its going to happen while I'm in the street or traveling by myself.

On Monday I saw my general doctor and when I told her about what happened, she took blood, ran an EKG which only showed that my pulse is a bit fast, and ordered an MRI. She's worried that I had some kind of seizure and she said if it ever happens again I'm to go straight to the hospital.
I don't know what I was expecting when I told her, but her reaction scared me even more then I already was. I broke down when I finally got home.

I'm so tired of this shit!! I'm so tired of something being wrong with me!!
Now I got to worry about something else on top of everything I'm already dealing with and its the not knowing that kills me. Its the not knowing what's wrong, what triggers it, what I can do to stop it.

I can deal with a lot of things...God knows I already have...but its when something happens and I can't get a hold of it. I can't grasp it or direct it in some way that I truly get scared.

Tomorrow I'm supposed to have my MRI so we'll see how this goes, but due to the headaches I may not blog about it for awhile.
I'll try to update my blog the next time I have a semi-pain freeday, which at this point is all I'm asking for....

(Photo provided by Phototbucket, hazelpatience, and is directly linked)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Winter is a REAL BITCH!!!

I haven't posted anything in this blog for awhile so I'm due...

I've had some real trouble the last few weeks with pain.
I know its due to the cold, but I'm afraid it also as to do with the medications I'm on. I've been able to somewhat pull myself out of the rut I was in, by exercising at least once a week, but it's not enough.

It's amazing that to maintain some normality with my life and with this disorder, I have to cause myself pain in order to reduce my pain.
I mean... you got to be really strong willed to do that shit!
It hurts so bad to exercise, but I have no choice if I want my overall pain to be less.
No, it never goes away completely. The exercise just reduces it a bit, but I put myself through torture just for that bit.

I went to the doctor the other day to talk to her about the pain and the medication I'm on. I wanted to get off of the Gabapentin, because it never really did much to begin with except give me headaches. I just felt like that was a chemical in my body I didn't need. Plus I wanted to talk about increasing my Savella, which unlike the Gabapentin, has been helping me greatly.
From the moment I told my doctor what was going on and how I felt, she practically read my mind and finished my sentences for me. Turns out I wasn't on the full dose of Savella to begin with and she agreed that it would be best to get off the Gabapentin.
She is truly an Amazing doctor!
Not only did she listen to me but she heard me, and she knew what I was gonna say before I did.
It's not everyday you get a doctor that actually pays attention to you, and gives a crap.

So she told me what to do. I'm reducing my Gabapentin and increasing my Savella slowly over the next two months. When the 2 months are up, I go to see her again, and she checks to make sure I'm handling the change well. If things go well, then we take the next step.

I'm a little worried what the increase in Savella is gonna do to my already heightened personalty.
As it was, when I first started taking it, it was like I was on speed.

I was hyper, I had verbal volume issues, and to top it of that I had mind to mouth filter issues (lol). In other words I was talking real loud or even yelling without realizing I was doing it, and I would say exactly what I was on my mind. It wasn't till I watched a video of myself on Christmas Day not long after starting the medication, where I was yelling profanity's at my cousins cause they hit me in the head with balled up wrapping paper, that I realized I was out of control.
Over time I gained some control over myself again as my body got used to the medication, but I'm still talkative and outgoing. Kinda funny that a side affect to the drug for me would be being loud and outgoing while I've spent my life being quite and

So now that the doc is increasing the dose, I'm waiting for shit to get weird again. I do feel a bit hyper, but I have to be really aware of how loud I am and what I say when I speak, cause I don't want another foul mouthed

(Amazing photo above by sarahmae09, Photobucket and is directly linked)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Day After Tomorrow...

This is gonna be a short blog since I'm a bit too tired to write.
Since I got back from Cancun I haven't been the same.

I was hoping it was just another flare up but if it's the longest one I've ever had.
Mom thinks it's just that since getting back I haven't had a moment to rest.
Between the cold weather, getting sick, the tests in class, the holidays, and the new guy in my life, things haven't exactly gone back to normal.

I had plans to meet up with friends I hadn't seen in ages, help other friends move, and just enjoy myself, but instead I feel like I've taken a giant step backward, and unfortunately it got worse after thanksgiving.

For instance this weekend I seem to have over booked myself.
Friday I told my cousin to come over cause he needed to talk and he never asks to talk so I know it's something important, plus I was also planning to see my new "guy friend" (whom I call a "guy friend" cause we're not really dating but we're more then friends) in a setting that's not class related since we really haven't had an opportunity to do that yet.
On Saturday I was gonna see an old friend I hadn't seen in over 2 years, and then that night head to dinner with my family.
Then finally on Sunday I was gonna head to my friends new apartment, see if they needed any help with unpacking, and just hang cause I hadn't seen her in awhile.

If I was feeling more like myself, this list of stuff wouldn't bother me, but I'm not myself and I'm beating myself up because I have to cancel most if not all the tings I have planned.
I'm gonna call both my friends and see if I can't re-schedule for the following weekend or after classes finish for the semester on December 8th. I might back out of the family dinner, if I'm not a little stronger by Friday, and I may even have to see my cousin and my "guy friend" another day.

I just feel so frustrated!!
Even my teachers can see I'm not myself. So far I've gone to two classes this week and I've been zonked through both of them. I took a test in science with a migraine, and today I had trouble grasping the math problems to the point of switching around numbers and the meaning in sentences, getting the answers completely wrong. Tomorrow is my reading a writing class and I'm praying that we don't get an timed essay cause otherwise I'm screwed...

I keep expecting to wake up in the morning and have my strength back. I keep hoping that if I go to bed, the next day I'll be fine and back to my "Abby Normal" self...;)
I really hope this month long break we're getting between semesters will help me recover from whatever is going on, because if this isn't a flareup there's only one other thing it could be, and I don't even want to type it for fear that I'll make it reality...

All I got left at this point is hope...hope for the day after tomorrow...(like how I tied it all

(Photos: 1st by sissygirl_06 2nd by taminator327. From Photobucket and directly linked)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Fucking Pharmacy!

Let me get straight to the point. I had my first experience of withdrawal from Savella...

The end of August was madness for me as I've written in my other blog, so I forgot to inform the pharmacy that I was going to be needing my refill. By the time I did remember, it was Saturday, I had one pill left, and pharmacist I usually deal with wasn't there. To add insult to injury, the asshole who was covering her wasn't polite about pointing out how I should have called earlier and that there was nothing they could do.
So I was stuck without my medication until Monday.

But how is it I have to tell them I need a refill so they can order it?
One of the symptoms of this disorder is memory problems, and they want me to remember to remind them?...
Plus shouldn't it be in stock?
They know I pick up my medication without fail, they should know that I need to take this medication regularly, that it can't just be stopped, and that I most likely will be taking it for the rest of my life, so why can't they just order the medication ahead of time instead of me having to remind them to do it...
I should be getting paid, cause from the looks of things, I'm doing there fucking job for them!

Ohh!!!! It get's me soo MAD!!...but I digress....

You have to understand, Savella is not a medication you can just stop taking. You have to build up to a dose and taper off. You can't go cold turkey because it would wreck havoc with the chemicals in the brain.
I called another Pharmacy and the person I spoke to still couldn't help, but at least he was polite, explained why he couldn't help and what my options were.
Since I now have medicaid, prescriptions are no longer allowed to be transferred from one pharmacy to another. Wherever I handed in the prescription is where I have to pick up the medication.
He also told me to take my last pill and cut it in half.
That way instead of going without the medication all together on Sunday, I can do a half a dose Saturday and half Sunday to try to keep me somewhat level.
This is all information that the pharmacist at my place SHOULD have told me, but I guess that guy couldn't give less of a shit.
So I did what he said and began my weekend without my life line.

I didn't know what to expect.
I was hoping that maybe I didn't need it anymore, that I'll be fine without it, but that dream didn't last two seconds before it was dashed against the rocks.
I swear, half way through Saturday I felt different.
My head  and neck started to hurt, I started to get stiff, I couldn't sleep, and by Sunday I was sore all over, and couldn't sit in one position for more then a minuet.

Can we say Deja Vu...

I knew this medication worked fast but not that fast.
I thought maybe it was in my head, but I was feeling it without even thinking about it. In fact I didn't even notice until I realized I kept shifting my position in my chair every few minuets. When I first started the medication it took a week for me to start to feel better, but it only took 24 hours for me to be trapped back in my own personal hell?
I thought maybe it was the withdrawal, but most of the symptoms were almost exactly as I remembered them.

I got my meds back on Monday, but the damage had already been done. It's been almost 2 weeks now since that weekend and I'm still not 100%, but at least everyday it gets better.

Hopefully I wont have to go through that again, but I know one day I'll have to try, just so I can see if I can have a life without being on meds, but after this little event, that wont be any day soon....

(Photo courtesy of Photobucket)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hope on the Horizon...

I couldn't agree more with the picture on the right, but I am beginning to waver in my conviction.

On the 9th I saw my new "Health First Approved" general practitioner, and I'm surprisingly optimistic about the future.

The office is located in a hospital, so as one would expect, it was very busy. Full of people who have landed on hard times for one reason or another, mostly lower middle class people of ethnic backgrounds or elderly. Basically hardworking people who can't afford medical insurance on there pittance of a salary. But scattered among the crowd, more then I've ever seen before, were those few who this was a completely new experience, who once had money but now had to rely on government aid.
You could tell who they were because they were the most uncomfortable, the most unhappy about having to be there, and had a tendency to be rather rude.

Though the place was busy the staff were amazing. They moved like a well oiled machine. Everyone knew there job and did there job without complaint, all the while being polite and friendly. But I got to say, the nurses were my favorite part of my visit.
Women who are hard working, experienced, abrupt but friendly, yet don't take any crap.
My kind of nurses.
Maybe not the most professional, especially when the one who calls people to the back makes jokes about if you don't hurry shes gonna leave you behind, but you could tell there was no malice to it.
They took my blood with experienced steady hands, and though I may have felt rushed, I never felt neglected.

As for my new doctor, Dr. Blank, though very business like, and a bit overwhelmed with all the medical info I had to give her, never made me feel like a child, like I was less then or beneath her in class. Doctors have a tendency to display a classic arrogance of position, and not once did I get that from her.
She listened to everything I had to say and spoke to me like I was an intelligent human being, never belittling any of my concerns, and suggesting avenues to move forward with aspects of my health that had yet to be addressed.
When we got to talking about my Fibromyalgia, she never made me feel like she didn't believe me, even suggesting physical therapy which is something I've been trying to get for over 2 years now. She even paid attention to the little things like asking me about my exercise routine, what I'm doing, and giving me some tips and advice to help me with some problems I've been having.

So I hate to say this, cause I'm afraid it's gonna come back to bite me in the ass, but I think I might have found a good doctor. Go figure I had to go through all this shit, all the bad doctors and insurance issues in order to find a doctor that can actually help me.

I'm beginning to feel HOPE bloom in my chest, and it's scaring the shit out if
(1st photo by IrethWaverly, 2nd photo by girly-girl-graphics, both provided by Photobucket and directly linked)